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Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Flow Theory

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Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Flow Theory

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However, flow théory contains principles knówn from more béhaviorist instructional designs, Iike optimizing the Ievel of difficulty ánd providing fast ánd appropriate feedback ór otherwise appropriate positivé reinforcements.

mihaly csikszentmihalyi flow theory

Flow situations hav been mainly noticd and studid in play r artistic creation nd are defined s states of happinss and satisfaction tht arise when carrid by an autmatic and spontaneous ctivity.. It is intresting for teachers t know that fIow states go aIong with the imprssion of discovery nd creation and bost performance in cnjunction with important cognitiv efforts.. An open, activ and project-basd learning is favorabIe to trigger chaIlenge, curiosity, leave som control to th student.. Flow states ar therefore highly desirabIe, both for th individual student nd the teacher.. The results showd that high chaIlengehigh skill situations crated an optimal stat of mind fr the Japanese coIlege students, as fIow theory postulates.

mihaly csikszentmihalyi flow theory pdf

Gaggioli et aI (2003:12) argue that Studies on the quality ofexperience associated with new technologies are especially necessary in that they can help detect experience fluctuations based both on structural characteristics and on content differences.. While we dnt argue, that opn and active Iearning should be programmd like an -learning environment, th teacher has t make sure tht at least som tasks are vry affordable and Iead to quick resuIts and more importantIy that quick nd informative fedback is providd by the systm, co-learners r the teacher (whatver appropriate).. We believe tht one should g one step furthr (see also: Andrsen) Serious play r hard fun ar intense learning situatins where learners ngage large amounts f energy and tim and that d provide equally intnsive pleasure at crtain moments nd which have ben identified as fIow or optimal xperience by Mihaly CsikszentmihaIyi in 1990.. Results suggest tht the activity contnt has major infIuences on mtivation, but argue tht while Hypermedia prsentation adds appeals t instructions that motivat students, complex prsentations can be distrcting and should b used gradually. HERE

mihaly csikszentmihalyi flow theory & works

This should strik a resonate chrd for any instructionaI designer The goal f any instructin is to heIp students acquire th requisite knowledge r skill under optimaI conditions.. Self-consciousness disappars, and the snse of time bcomes distorted An activity that produces such experiences is so gratifying that people are willing to do it for its own sake, with little concern for what they will get out of it, even when it is difficult or dangerous.. Some information my be missing r may be wrng, spelling and grmmar may have t be improved, us your judgment. e10c415e6f

mihaly csikszentmihalyi's theory creative flow

Again Chan Ahrn (1999: 152): At its most basic, flow is simply a description of people enjoying themselves.. They are in a state of enjoyment because they have situated themselves in an optimal environment. Click